Monday, January 2, 2017

Chocolate Souffle

Chocolate Souffle

This was my first soufflé, and I think I like them!

I don't think I had ever even eaten a soufflé, much less attempted to make one. They are tricky, and I'm not sure that I executed this totally correctly. It did get a great rise on it while it was baking, but after I brought it out it shrunk by about 25%. I wouldn't say it collapsed...but I don't know what this soufflé recipe is supposed to look like in the end, so I'm calling it a success! In any case, it was really tasty. Not too sweet or chocolatey, and the texture reminded me of an underdone french toast. mmmm.

I sprinkled the powdered sugar on top after cooking, I was worried that if I did it beforehand it would have sunk into the mixture. I'll try the other way next time!

A quick note, make sure you are using a dish with high, straight sides, like a tall ramekin. And, make sure it's all buttered up. This will help the soufflé behave properly, and set you up for soufflé success.

Chocolate Souffle

2 tblspn flour
2 tblspn butter
3/4 cup milk
2 squares melted chocolate
2 eggs
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla
powdered sugar
whipped cream
1/4 tsp salt

Make a thick white sauce of flour, butter, salt, and milk. Stir in melted chocolate. Beat egg yolks, sugar, and vanilla into chocolate sauce. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites and turn into a buttered baking dish. Sprinkle top with powdered sugar, cover, and bake at 350 degrees (with the dish set in a pan of hot water) for 50-60 minutes. 

Serve hot, topped with sweetened, flavored whipped cream or a warm vanilla sauce.

After folding in the whipped whites
after baking, but before shrinking
tasty ingredients!!

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