Monday, January 2, 2017

Apple Raisin Crunch

Apple Raisin Crunch with Hard Sauce

Simple dessert, easy to whip together on a busy night if you need a little something special!

This recipe was a little confounding, even though it is very simple. I'm not sure if I got the crunch topping quite right. I was expecting something more on the lines of a streusel topping, but it baked into something a little ore cake-like. Is that right? Any Apple Raisin Crunch experts out there?

The "serve with hard sauce" bit at the end was also a little confusing. What the heck is a hard sauce? after some googling, turns out it's butter with sugar ad some kind of booze (the recipe below calls for whiskey, I used bourbon. You can use whatever you like to compliment your dish). Easy enough. I'll include the recipe below, although I wouldn't recommend hard sauce in general, it was way too sweet! I would say to serve with more of a vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. But it's worth a go, who knows? you may love it!

Apple Raisin Crunch

2 cups sliced apples
1/2 cup raisins
1 cup flour
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup sugar

Fill buttered baking dish with sliced apples, with raisins sprinkled between layers of apples. Make a paste by mixing combined flour and sugar with butter. Spread this mixture over the top of the apples. Sprinkle with nutmeg and ale 30 minutes at 400 degrees. Serve with hard sauce.

Hard Sauce

Hard Sauce

Borrowed word for word from the Pioneer Woman Blog

1 stick (1/2 Cup) Softened (not Room Temperature) Butter
Beat butter in mixer with paddle attachment until fluffy. Add powdered sugar gradually until incorporated, scraping sides of the bowl twice during the process. Add whiskey and beat again, scraping the bowl to make sure everything gets mixed together. 
Spoon into a bowl and serve, or keep in the fridge (it will last for days covered in plastic wrap) until you need it. NOTE: The hard sauce will harden in the fridge, so be sure to remove it at least a couple of hours before you want to serve. Hard sauce should be smooth and easily spooned onto desserts.

1-1/2 cup Powdered Sugar
2 Tablespoons Whiskey, More Or Less To Taste

All Assembled!

All of the ingredients...with a festive background!

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