Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Crab Soup

Crab Soup

Big Thank-You to my Sister, Brother in-law, and my Arlo for hunting the crabs out of the Puget Sound! They were lucky enough to pull nine Red Rock Crabs off of Ketron Island this Sunday.
Of course we ate most of them straight out of the shell with butter, but there was plenty leftover to give me a reason to take a shot at Jean's Crab Soup.

Normally if we have leftover crab we do crab cakes or crab melts, (which is actually rare...we usually eat all we catch!), so doing a soup is outside of my normal repertoire.  I was concerned it would be too heavy and creamy for the crab to really have any noticeable flavor, but the sherry and light onion tastes made it come together in a way that was delicate, not too creamy!

The recipe was a little more work-intense than I was expecting, with the double-boiler action. Again, I used Red Rock Crab, and organic yellow corn from Whole Foods. We served it up with some bread, and a salad with fresh peas from the garden. Bon Appetite!


1 cup corn (canned)
1 cup milk
2 TBSP flour
2 TBSP butter
1 cup fresh cream
1 cup crab meat, cut up
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 cup sherry
1 onion


Heat milk and onion over double boiler for 10 minutes. Remove and discard onion. Heat the butter and flour together stirring until there are no lumps; add the milk and cook together till think, stirring continually. Add the corn, crab meat, spices, and cream and heat well over double boiler. Before serving, add sherry.

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