Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Chinese Squab

Chinese Squab with Bok Choy

This recipe was yum! I've never cooked a bird smaller than a chicken, so I was very curious about this one. I have to say that having a personal poultry to eat for dinner is FUN!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Salad Dressing

Jean Butlers Salad Dressing on Romaine
There is never a shortage of assorted salad dressings in our refrigerator door. That makes the prospect of actually making my own salad dressing seem like a moot point. An effort that will have a minimal return on my investment of time and energies. Mind changed! I'm a believer!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Emmie's Shrimps

Emmie's Shrimps
This was an easy-to-prepare dish, with a lot of flavor! The garlic and parsley pair nicely with the shrimps. The recipe says to serve over rice, but I opted for a polenta (shrimp n grits, y'all!)

Monday, April 4, 2016

Green Garden Soup

Green Garden Soup
This soup really surprised me with how very many green vegetables can be packed into one bite!

Are you tired of green smoothies? Give this soup a try, and see how it treats ya ;)