Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Pot De Creme

Pot De Creme - waiting for the sugar topping!

One of the first recipes made in the new kitchen, hooray! And what a treat these were.
They turned out really small, perfect for a few sweet, rich bites after dinner. I found a few different techniques out there when I looked at other recipes, some were baked in a water bath where these were all done in the double boiler. i was expecting them to set up like a creme brulee, but these retained a more liquidy-texture. the sugar topping was also rather liquid, but I'm not sure I executed that 100% correctly...still tasted good, right? If you had a vanilla bean, it might be tasty to steep it in the cream rather than using the extract.

I made these the morning of dinner, but based on what I read you can make these 24 hours ahead, and reduce your prep time. Enjoy!

Pot De Creme 


1/2 pint of cream
5 egg yolks
1/4 cup sugar mixed with:
1 tsp cornstarch
1 tsp vanilla 


Put cream in double boiler, add sugar and bring to boiling point (BUT DO NOT BOIL). Pour warm cream slowly over well-beaten yolks, return to double boiler and cook until it coats the spoon. pour into serving dishes, cool. 

Top with: 

3 TBSP brown sugar burned in a frying pan. Remove from fire, add 2 TBSP butter and 1/2 cup hot water. Stir until smooth. When cool, pour carefully over pot de creme, trying to keep it on the surface if possible.

With topping!

Coating the spoon...mmmm

Bring to boiling point, but not too hot!

Pot de Creme Mise En Place 

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