Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Ian's Wine Stew

Ian's Wine Stew 

This stew is HEARTY. The ratio of meat to other things is about 4:1.

Pot De Creme

Pot De Creme - waiting for the sugar topping!

One of the first recipes made in the new kitchen, hooray! And what a treat these were.

Grandma's Chocolate Pudding

Grandma's Chocolate Pudding
Man, homemade pudding sure doesn't hold a candle to the instant stuff.

After a Hiatus...

I've taken a bit of a break from the 'ol blog project. But fear not! I have some recipes already done and ready to post, and a plan to tackle the rest.
The hiatus was needed, and I now have a pretty kitchen to play around in, making tasty food and taking pictures. Cheers!

Butler Chicken

"Butler Chicken"

This recipe is not included in the version I have, and comes courtesy of Mr Dan Spiegleman, Esq.